Current Chick Price in Nigeria: Noilers, Broilers & Others

Christmas is by the corner, and many farmers are placing demands on chicks while some like you, are inquiring about the current chick price in Nigeria so that you can also place your demands. And we believe that we have all you need to know about the current chick price in Nigeria.

Whether you are looking for the price of day-old chicks or point-of-lay birds, We got you covered, not only on the prices of chickens but also on different types of poultry birds like turkey, etc.

In addition to providing the current chick price in Nigeria, we would be giving you some tips on buying chicks in order not to be cheated or suffer loss.

Prices Of Noilers Day-Old-Chicks

Current chick price of Noilers Day-Old-Chicks
Prices Of Noilers Day-Old-Chicks

Are you asking for the breed of chicken that would produce good meat and at the same time be highly resistant to Diseases? Noiler Chicks would be the best pick for you.

Noilers are a crossbreed of Broiler and Cockerel, they were first produced by the Amo Hatchery here in Nigeria. They are dogged like the local chicken and lay up to 200 eggs yearly, hereby competing with some of the best egg-laying chicken breeds in the world. Let’s cut the chase, here is the Current Chick Price list of Noilers:

Hatchery Prices Per Bird (Naira)
Current chick prices of Noilers (DOC)

Prices of Broilers Day-Old-Chicks

current chick price of Broilers
Prices of Broilers Day-Old-Chicks

Imagine celebrating Christmas without chicken, the only saviour would be fish or beef. Broilers are reared for meat production. Many hatcheries today are known nationwide for their broiler chicks, and for this reason, we give you the current chick price of Broilers from the best hatcheries in Nigeria.

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Hatchery Prices per Bird (Naira)
Zartech 750
Current chick price of broilers Day-old-chicks

Prices of Layers Day-Old-Chicks

There is nothing that can replace the position of the egg on noodles or plantain. Layers are chickens that lay eggs, hundreds yearly. Many farmers keep layers because they pay back the cost of production early when compared to broilers. Here are the current chick price of layers:

HatcheryPrices per Bird (Naira)
Current chick price of layer Day-old-chicks

Prices of Turkey Day-old-chicks

Current chick prices of Turkey Day-old-chicks
Prices of Turkey Day-old-chicks

Chickens are not the only lucrative poultry birds for business, Turkeys are as well very lucrative. Turkey DOC normally comes in two breeds; local breeds and foreign breeds. Here is the current chick price of turkey (DOC):

BreedPrice per Bird (Naira)
Local Turkey1300
Foreign Turkey3400
Current chick price of Turkey Day-old-chicks

Prices of Cockerel Day-old-chicks

Cockerels are kept because they are very resistant to avian diseases. And just like turkey, they come in two breeds. Here they are together with their prices:

BreedPrice per Chick (Naira)
White Cockerel85
Black Cockerel375
Current chick price of cockerel Day-old-chicks

Prices of Kuroiler Day-Old-Chicks

Kuroilers are chicken breeds that look so much alike to Noilers. They are the hybrid of broiler and cockerel. The only difference is that they grow very fast when compared to Noilers. Here you go:

BreedPrice per Bird (Naira)
current chick prices of Kuroiler Day-old-chicks

Prices of Ducklings Day-Old

current chick price of Duck (DOC)
Prices of Ducklings Day-Old

Aside from Chicken and Turkey, there are some Nigerians who love duck and would feel less merry during Christmas without duck meat. Here is the current chick price of Duck (DOC):

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BreedPrice Per Chick (Naira)
Current Prices of Ducklings Day-Old

Prices of 4 Weeks Old Chicks

Buying chicks of birds weeks after hatching is possible and we have their prices below:

Poultry Bird/BreedPrice Per Bird(Naira)
Turkey (local)2500
Turkey (Foreign)6000
Price of 4-weeks-old-chicks of poultry birds

Prices of Point Of Lay (POL)

Point of lay are birds that are already mature and able to lay eggs. Some farmers prefer this kind. Currently, Point-of-Lay birds cost about 2500 naira each.

Tips in Selecting Good Chicks and at the same time Avoid Being Cheated

One thing we have to agree on is the fact that most marketers are not too straightforward about money issues. And if you are ignorant about these things, they might cash out on your ignorance big time. Here are some tips for selecting good chicks and at the same time not being cheated.

  • Buy from state distributors shops of hatcheries. The price will be cheaper than retails.
  • Check the eyes (there should be bright), beaks (there should be unbroken), and feathers( shouldn’t be missing).
  • They should be active, not crowded or separated from their folks.
  • Go with an experienced farmer or buy chicks from farmers that have good parent chicken history.
  • Ask for the catalog to see prices for yourself and confirm from our website.


Now that we have gotten the current chick price in Nigeria, the next move is to purchase and place demands. And with this, we call it an end.

If you have any questions on locations to buy chicks be it that of broilers, noilers, cockerels, etc, do well to drop them in the comments section. Do well to subscribe also, to get new posts like this. Thank you for your time and see you at the top.

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