The 15 Best Types Of Roosters For Your Flock
Do you own a flock (poultry) and need a Guard to be on the lookout when you aren’t around? Here are the 15 best types of Roosters for your flock.
A Rooster is a male domestic chicken also known as Cock. Roosters are easily identified by their very conspicuous comb, wattles, and sickles.
Every farm needs a Rooster, especially those that run free-range farming systems. Roosters are Leaders and selfless Guards. They stay on guard to spot any possible threat to the flock, defend the flock from those threats, and in tough cases make the farmer aware using their alarm sound “cock-a-doodle-doo”.
Some can be aggressive and others can be calm but they all have one thing in common and that is, that they are the leaders of the flock. They control the affairs of the flock like an alpha lion. The only issue with roosters is that some types of roosters are hard to control, making most of them troublemakers. Experienced farmers advise younger farmers to rear their roosters from scratch to avoid these troubles.
Aside from their protective benefits, there is a pride that comes with owning a Rooster. Most of the best types of roosters are very attractive, thereby adding touches of beauty to your farm.
Farmers also keep roosters as pets. Just like dogs, some calm-headed roosters are very friendly and are good specs for pets.
With no further ado, we move into the subject of our discussion, the 15 best types of roosters for your flock.
The 15 Best Types of Roosters For Your Flock
The choice of the type of rooster for your flock sometimes can be brain-draining but keep these 5 factors in mind; Protection, Beauty, Use, Size, and Behaviour. As you read through vet them using these five yardsticks. Remember, in the end, the choice is all up to you to make.
15. Silkie Rooster

If you happen to be looking for a rooster that is elegant and cute for petting, Silkie Rooster would be the right choice for you. They are so attractive that most of the farmers who keep them, do so because of their unique beauty.
Silkie Roosters can be calm pets and at the same time, assertive protectors. Their boldness and relentlessness in protecting their chicks from predators and thieves is another reason why they are one of the best types of roosters for flocks.
14. Sussex Rooster

Sussex Roosters were the face of most farms in the Middle Ages. Recognized for their very gentle and observant disposition, Sussex farmers are experts at protecting flocks. Immediately Sussex roosters hear any suspicious movement, they start sounding alarms to inform the farmer of what is going on. You won’t be wrong to call them the ideal poultry cops.
13. Polish Rooster

Polish Roosters appear like polished roosters with ruffle-like combs making them look like royalties. And because of this unique appearance, people go for them, just to make their farms more majestic.
Aside from their king-like appearance, People prefer them because of their bravery, as they can stand toe to toe with enemies far greater than them even if it will cost them their lives in the end.
12. Rhode Island Red Rooster

In all history of histories, man has not seen a type of rooster as rugged and resilient as the Rhode Island Red Rooster. Very soon you will know why we made this statement. Burglars normally advise themselves when they enter farms with Rhode Island Red Roosters, even if it’s just one.
Permit us to abbreviate the name for time purposes. RIR roosters are very aggressive to burglars, predators and humans, and are very defensive of the flock they lead. When we mean defensive, we mean extremely defensive.
As loyal as the U.S navy. These roosters can virtually chase any threat till the threat is tired. Putting their lives on the line for their flock. So would we be wrong to add them to our list of the 15 best types of roosters for your flock? Absolutely No.
11. Sebright Rooster

If you are looking for a good alarm rooster look no more Sebright Rooster is the best pick. This breed is a drama queen, especially while being very possessive of their females. Managing them can be hard and so they would need a lot of training to lobby them over.
10. Plymouth Rock Rooster

Plymouth Rock roosters were the order of the day in the last century. They reigned greatly in those days because of their strength, proactivity and self-sufficiency. Plymouth Rock roosters are the perfect camouflage rooster, that can spy out any bad head on the farm. Making them suitable for our 15 best types of roosters for your flock.
9. Java Rooster

Java Rooster although not popular as the others on this list is unique because they come in diverse colours. Facially, Java Roosters look very mean but they aren’t mischiefs, they are gentle and at the same time defensive of their females. Nevertheless they serve as good pets. The only issue with them is that they take a lot of time to be mature, but when they are mature, the size comforts for all the time.
8. Buff Orpington Rooster

Oh, Gentle Gentle Orpington, selfless in battle but kind in heart. Buff Orpington is a docile selfless rooster that can work as a watchdog that can take a toe to toe fight with a thief or predator even if he would lose his life in the course. Add them to the 15 best types of roosters for your flock is not biased.
7. Cochin Rooster

Are you looking for the perfect house rooster? Here is Cochin Rooster. They are naturally kind and gentle making them suitable for pet animals. In terms of protection, the Cochin roosters are worst. As they behave cowardly in the face of challenges.
6. Faverolle Rooster

Faverolle roosters are the ideal poultry majesty. Full of energy, dignity and looks, Faverolle Roosters is the perfect gentleman type of rooster. As they can use their whole strength and alarm just to protect their ladies.
5. Langshan Rooster

Do you want your farm to be unique from your neighbours, Langshan is the right pick. They are huge compared to other breeds of chickens and naturally, someone would think that they will be great defenders but sorry to burst your bubbles, they are big babies. The only benefit of this type of rooster is that its size will scare thieves.
4. Australorp Rooster

Do you remember the Australorp chicken breed from our post “The 13 Best Egg Laying Chicken Breeds“, we talked at length about the Australorp hen as they were the best egg layers among the thirteen. But now let’s discuss the male Australorp.
The Australorp Rooster is a green-coloured chicken that is extremely violent. It won’t be weird to call them the Hulk-Chicken (from the marvel Hulk). Still, the Australorp rooster is one of the best types of roosters for your flock if only you can train them.
3. Welsummer Rooster

Welsummer Rooster is the most popular rooster, they are the ideal television celebrity chicken as most Farm movies cast them. They produce the best cock-a-doodle-doo signifying that it’s morning, arise and shine fellows.
On the factor of Protection, Welsummer Roosters are Great Guardians of flocks. And beyond that, they are beautiful animals and loving parents.
2. Barbu D’Uccle Rooster

Are you looking for a small breed of roosters that your kids can also play with and at the same time, guard your flock? Here you go, the Barbu D’Uccle Rooster is the best pick.
Barbu D’Uccle roosters are one of the smallest breeds of roosters. Known for their beauty and aesthetics, Barbu D’ucclr roosters for this reason are sometimes bought.
outside of beauty, they are aggressive and vicious protectors, especially to their ladies and then to the rest of the flock.
1. Brahma Rooster

Brahma Roosters are extremely gentle and large roosters. When we mean large we mean the second largest rooster breed in this whole world. Nevertheless, their gentle attitude doesn’t stop them from protecting their flock even though they can be intimidated by other types of roosters. Learn more about Brahma Chickens.
We hope that this time you invested in learning about roosters cleared your confusion about which breed to purchase. We have other amazing articles on poultry, livestock and various types of farming. Don’t be left out as new interesting posts like this would be posted now and then. To get their notifications, subscribe below, and share with your friends if you enjoyed this post. Also, feel free to comment, we would want to hear your views. See you in the next post!